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Finding a Dentist that Accept Medicare

06/23/15 6:17 AM

Medicaid is a government program that help senior citizens, disabled people and or anyone suffering financially that needs dental work.  Although medicare will help pay your dental bills if your  qualify, it can be difficult to find a dentist that accepts Medicare.   Generally, Medicare will pay for dental services as part of a larger medical procedure, for example, dental work when someone breaks their jaw. They will rarely pay for simple examinations and does not cover cosmetic dental work.

If you are current seeing a dental provider check with them to confirm if they accept Medicare so there is no unexpected billing due from you.   If you do not have a dentist in order to find a Medicare provider, you can contact your Medicare office and they can advise you or you can visit to look up a Medicare dental provider


Posted on 06/23/15 6:17 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Finding a Dentist that Accept Medicare

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